Simplicity, color, and character are everything. Manufactured, mass-produced furniture and art rarely has any character to speak of. It takes years of handling and abuse to give a strong sense of a story to a piece. The Recharge Workshop specializes in the use of reclaimed materials (especially pallet wood) which brings loads of character to every piece. Why wait a lifetime to tell a story with your décor? Buy from the Recharge Workshop and add color and character to your home or office today!
The Backstory
Started by Andrew Miguelez, Recharge Workshop is a creative outlet for tangible art and décor. The word Recharge comes from his web design business, Recharge Creative, LLC, and the desire to give new life to old, used things.
Andrew was always an avid DIY’er and used as much salvaged material in projects around the house as he could. Saving money and adding character to home and office furnishings became second nature. After helping family members to start selling things on Etsy, he decided to try it himself.
If you like rustic pieces with a lot of character and minimalistic design principles, you’ll love what the Recharge Workshop has planned. Do stay tuned and follow along on the blog for ideas and tips to add character to your space. Thanks for visiting!